
The Toyota Foundation

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A special interview for the Toyota Foundation’s 50th year anniversary project

From the Foundation

update:July 12, 2024

As the Toyota Foundation commemorates the 50th year anniversary since its foundation, it has created a dedicated website for its 50th year anniversary projects, chronicling the foundation’s half-a-century history and providing information about a commemorative grant program to be publicly called for in October 2024.

The page titled “Now and Future: 10 Years Since Grant Reception” presents interview articles about some grant recipients of the past projects, telling stories of how such grant-awarded projects have since evolved further to play a role in underpinning our society today. 

In the first part of this interview series,Ms. Suyheang Kry and Mr. Raymond Hyma of Women Peace Makers, Cambodia were interviewed for an article about their projects granted under the category of the International Grant Program in fiscal 2018–"Understanding "Us" to know "Them": Employing Facilitative Listening Design regionally to build empathy towards the Other through understanding those we can relate to".

This article can be viewed on the dedicated website for the 50th year anniversary projects.

The Toyota Foundation

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