
The Toyota Foundation

  • Initiative Program

Initiative Program (Unsolicited)

Program Objectives

In this fiscal year, Initiative Program continues to make grants to the initiatives conducive to invigorate the non-profit sector, such as the capacity building of non-profit organizations and the promotion of civic participation.
Also, Initiative Program is to boost the initiatives to which the Toyota Foundation ought to commit intentionally, such as the collaborating grants with other donors and the efforts worthy of support from the private grant-making foundations.

List of Grant Projects

TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D22-PI-0001 The Project to Develop and Disseminate the “Technology of Cooperation” (the second phase) Akira Matsubara Kyoryoku Sekai(Cooperation World) 13,340,000
D22-PI-0002 Project on Mental Health Awareness of the Athletes by the Athletes for All of the People Yasutaka Ojio National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health , Department of Community Mental Health & Law 9,000,000
D22-PI-0003 Mutual Learning of Science Technology Innovation Coordination to Bridge Different Countries and Sectors in Cambodia, Thailand, and Japan towards Capacity Development Program and Policy RecommendationsProject on Mental Health Awareness of the Athletes by the Athletes for All of the People Hideaki Ohgaki National Center of Institute of Advanced Energy (Graduate School of Energy Science), Kyoto University 9,000,000
D22-PI-0004 Examination and Application of Intermediary Support Organization Functions to Build Sustainable Local Communities Tsuneya Sakurai TCUE Faculty of Regional Policy Professor 9,800,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D20-PI-0001 The COVID-19 Relief Fund Haruka Mera READYFOR, Inc. 10,000,000
D20-PI-0002 A U.S. Research Mission on “the Operations and Situation Surrounding Non-Profit Organizations in the U.S.” Takako Amemiya The Japan Association of Charitable Organizations 2,000,000
D20-PI-0003 Learn Together for Constructing Community which is Stronger than COVID-19 and Further Emerging Infectious Diseases Toshie Manabe Jichi Medical University 9,140,000
D20-PI-0004 COVID-19: SOS Fund for Protecting Physical and Mental Health Haruka Mera READYFOR, Inc. 10,000,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D19-PI-0001 Accelerating the Study regarding Jewish Culture and Network Utilizing the Diary of Yitskhok Rudashevski Hisashi Shigematsu Graduate school of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo 5,970,000
D19-PI-0002 The State of Policies for Small-Scale Organizations and Charity Accounting in the UK Takako Amemiya The Japan Association of Charitable Organizations 1,000,000
D19-PI-0003 The Editing and Publication Project for the Enlarged and Revised Edition of "The Chronology of Volunteer, Nonprofit, and Civic Action in Japan" Noboru Hayase Osaka Voluntary Action Center 2,000,000
D19-PI-0004 The Project to Develop and Disseminate the Technology of Cooperation Akira Matsubara Cooperation World 5,630,000
D19-PI-0005 The Inquiry to Identify the seed of the Third Category Research Hiroyuki Yoshikawa Japan Science Support Foundation 3,000,000
D19-PI-0006 Let's Unite the Power of the Neighborhood through "the New Supporters for the School" Shizuka Akita Machida Daigo Elementary School, PTA 830,000
D19-PI-0007 Toward Realization of the Open Community by the Participation of Diversified Residents Norio Yamaki Utase Association for Dementia 1,000,000
D19-PI-0008 The Project to Nurture both the People and the Organization toward Wealthy Neighborhood Iku Furuyama Partners for Civic Actions toward Public Good 1,000,000
D19-PI-0009 The Project to Safeguard the Festival and the Neighborhood: the Future of our Town by the Youth Ryo Miyaguchi Kishiwada Council of Youth Groups 1,000,000
D19-PI-0010 The Project for the Next Generation of Town Building: Making Partnership from Those Who Are Supported Hidemi Hasegawa Coco Color Kit 990,000
D19-PI-0011 Boosting the Project to Popularize the Japanese-Style Veranda in Town and Develop its Enthusiasts Hiroaki Kobayashi The Nagano Project for Cultivating Japanese-style Veranda in Town 1,000,000
D19-PI-0012 A Study on the Current Situation of Community Activity Groups Utilizing Local Connection and the Ideal Way of Support Miki Yasui Faculty of Social Policy and Administration, Hosei University 3,000,000
D19-PI-0013 Advancing the New Information System Project: Toward the Development of the Entire GrantMaking Foundation Community By the Enhanced Raison D'Etre Yoshinori Yamaoka The Japan Foundation Center 6,000,000
D19-PI-0014 Development of Grassroots Nonprofits' "Reflecting" Evaluation Method Making Use of the Narrative Approach Kensuke Nagata Akatsuki 4,970,000
D19-PI-0015 "Social Security for the Innovative Society from the Perspective of “Two Retirements” of Professional Athletes" Shinichi Yamashita Faculty of Law, Fukuoka University 4,760,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D18-PI-0001 Strengthening Nationwide Community Foundations Masataka Fukao Community Foundations JAPAN 10,000,000
D18-PI-0002 Society NPO Law Aspired 20 Years Ago and Society We Aspire 20 Years Later on the Occasion of 20th Anniversary of Enforcing NPO Law Eriko Nitta Japan NPO Center 5,200,000
D18-PI-0003 Devising Grant Program to Activate Civic and Neighborhood Action by Diversified People Noboru Hayase Osaka Voluntary Action Center 7,970,000
D18-PI-0004 Third Phase of Designing Training Program to Evaluate Nonprofits’ Actions Katsuji Imata Japan NPO Center 8,000,000
D18-PI-0005 How Institutional Reform of Public Interest Corporation Affected Grant-Making Foundations? Yoshinori Yamaoka Japan Foundation Center 2,700,000
D18-PI-0006 Reinventing Sino Study toward Dissemination Shin Kawashima The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 9,720,000
D18-PI-0007 Second Phase of Boosting Civil Fund Program Yoshinori Yamaoka Civil Society Initiative Fund 13,130,000
D18-PI-0008 Programming Student Intern with Reference to Organizational Capacity Building Chinatsu Hamada NPO I-DO 970,000
D18-PI-0009 Helping People with Disabilities by Civic Participation Kazuki Beppu Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation Together 940,000
D18-PI-0010 Creating an Effective System for Volunteer Engagement Junko Moriyama Nonprofit Organization of Nicochan 720,000
D18-PI-0011 Grown-ups, Come to Join Us! - To Support Siblings of Kids with Down Syndrome Who also Want to be the Center of Attention Chiwa Arai Specified Nonprofit Corporation Mebae 21, Comprehensive Support for Kids with Down Syndrome and Their families 970,000
D18-PI-0012 Participating in Neighborhood, Spreading from Fertile Place Yumiko Mori Certified NPO Organization Comachiplus 4,400,000
D18-PI-0013 Internship LABO, Supporting Youth Independently Participating in Nonprofits Yoshiyuki Takajo Actionport Yokohama 5,000,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D17-PI-0001 Research on Social Innovation Eco-System in Asia (2nd year) Ken Ito Keio University 8,000,000
D17-PI-0002 Research Project on Best Practice for Community Building in Public Housing Projects Required in the Process of Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake Seiichi Otaki The Sanaburi Foundation 10,000,000
D17-PI-0003 Enhancement of Bases for Fostering and Reinforcing Community Foundations Nationwide (Promoting the Introduction of Guidelines and Establishing a Consultation System for Bequests and Donations) Masataka Fukao Community Foundations JAPAN 10,000,000
D17-PI-0004 Regional NPO Internship Program “Summary of Achievements and Proposals based on Implementation in Fujisawa and Yokohama” Akemi Tezuka NPO Fujisawa NPO Network 5,000,000
D17-PI-0005 Nationwide Campaign to Strengthen Accounting at NPOs Noboru Hayase NPO Accounting Standards Association 2,500,000
D17-PI-0006 Development of Training Program for Evaluating NPO Activity Noboru Hayase Japan NPO Center 5,000,000
D17-PI-0007 ”Civil Society Fund Initiative Program” aimed at Steady Development of Civil Society Funds/Community Foundations (Phase 2)-- Development, Management and Renewal of Grant Programs for Civil Society Activities Yoshinori Yamaoka Civil Society Initiative Fund 9,760,000
D17-PI-0008 Impact Study on Reform of System Governing Public Interest Corporations on Grant-Making Foundations-– Setting Out the Challenges and Making Policy Recommendations for the Further Development of Grant-Making Foundations Yoshinori Yamaoka Japan Foundation Center 2,000,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D16-PI-0001 2016 Internship Program to Connect Regional Youth and NPOs Akemi Tezuka NPO Fujisawa NPO Network 5,000,000
D16-PI-0002 Enhancement of Bases for Fostering and Reinforcing Community Foundations Nationwide Masataka Fukao Community Foundation JAPAN 10,000,000
D16-PI-0003 Development of Training Program for Evaluating NPO Activity Noboru Hayase Japan NPO Center 6,000,000
D16-PI-0004 Research on the Social Innovation Eco-System in Asia Ken Ito Keio University 8,000,000
D16-PI-0005 Holding of the East Asia Civil Society Forum on the Theme of "Civil Society and Social Innovation" Tatsuo Ohta The Japan Association of Charitable Organizations 800,000
D16-PI-0006 Enchancement of Archives at the International House of Japan Takahiro Furuhata International House of Japan 3,000,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D15-PI-0001 2015 Internship Program to Connect Regional Youth and NPOs Akemi Tezuka NPO Fujisawa NPO Network 5,300,000
D15-PI-0002 Field Survey of Case Decisions of Nonprofit Corporations Noboru Hayase Japan NPO Center 3,500,000
D15-PI-0003 Developing a Participatory Program for “Concerned Citizens” Exploring and Learning Asia: Towards New Relationship
between Asia and Japan
Noriyuki Osada Institute of Developing Economies-Japan External Trade Organization 5,000,000
D15-PI-0004 Archiving the Material Concerning the Process of Drafting Japan’s Bill for Nonprofit Organizations Takako Sasaki Machi Pot 1,000,000
D15-PI-0005 Support for NPO Internships and Programs to Establish Support of NPO Activities Among Young People Yoshiyuki Takajyo Actionport Yokohama 3,000,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D14-PI-0001 An impact survey on implementation of Charities Act 2006 Tatsuo Ohta The Japan Association of Charitable Organizations 2,000,000
D14-PI-0002 2014 Community-Building Internship Program to Connect Regional Youth and NPOs Akemi Tezuka NPO Fujisawa NPO Network 5,500,000
D14-PI-0003 Field Survey of Case Decisions of Nonprofit Corporations Noboru Hayase Japan NPO Center 3,000,000
D14-PI-0004 Examining the State of Recovery in Banda Ache 10 Years After the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami: Learning from the Banda Ache
Experiences in Preparation of Next Large Scale Tsunami Disaster
Yasuo Tanaka Kobe University 3,000,000
D14-PI-0005 International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Approach to Reconciliation Kazuko Mori Waseda University 1,000,000
D14-PI-0006 Field Surveys of Japanese Community Foundations and Forums for Socializing Projects Masataka Fukao Community Foundation JAPAN 3,200,000
D14-PI-0007 Symposium for Focused Educational Activities Following Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Yasuo Arashidani Japan Disability Forum 1,500,000
D14-PI-0008 Establishing Grant Programs to Promote Funds Supported by Civil Society and Community Foundations Yoshinori Yamaoka Civil Society Initiative Fund 20,000,000
D14-PI-0009 Support for NPO Internships and Programs to Establish Support of NPO Activities Among Young People Yoshiyuki Takajyo Actionport Yokohama 3,000,000
D14-PI-0010 Sonraku Human Resource Training Boot Camp for Local Innovation Yoshihito Senda Sonraku 4,000,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D13-PI-0001 宮城県内の仮設住宅における「こども未来館」の運営と、同事業への地元アクターへの引き継ぎ Shinji Yamashita Human Security Forum ¥5,000,000
D13-PI-0002 被災地仮設住宅等における「遊び」・「学習」等を通しての子育て環境整備とコミュニティづくり Chiyo Wakatsuki BEANS Fukushima ¥5,500,000
D13-PI-0003 子どものエンパワメント支援事業 ─ 夢の実現につながる居場所づくりと学習支援 Katsuhiko Yamamoto Children’s Empowerment Iwate ¥4,500,000
D13-PI-0004 Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP) for 2013 Maria Serena Diokno SEASREP Foundation ¥10,000,000
D13-PI-0005 Capacity Building of the Japan Foundation Center Hiroshi Tanaka The Japan Foundation Center ¥3,000,000
D13-PI-0006 Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program(SEASREP) Maria Serena Diokno SEASREP Foundation ¥30,000,000
D13-PI-0007 Enhancement of the UNESCO Chair International Training Course on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management and Posttraining
Kenzo Toki Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University ¥30,000,000
TYT ID Project Title Representative Organization Grant
Amount (Yen)
D12-PI-0001 うつくしまふくしま子ども未来応援プロジェクト Wakatsuki Chiyo BEANS Fukushima ¥6,000,000
D12-PI-0002 子どものエンパワメント支援事業 ─ 夢の実現につながる居場所づくりと学習支援 Katsuhiko Yamamoto Children’s Empowerment Iwate ¥6,000,000
D12-PI-0003 宮城県内の仮設住宅における「子ども未来館」の設置 Shinji Yamashita Human Security Forum ¥6,000,000
D12-PI-0004 Asian Studies in Africa Workshop Philippe M. F. Peycam The International Institute of Asian Studies ¥1,000,000
D12-PI-0005 Operation of Language Training and Post Graduate Fellowshop Programs and Writing and Pre-Publication Project Maria Serena Diokno SEASREP Foundation ¥1,000,000
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