
The Toyota Foundation

  • Research Grant Program

2019 Research Grant Program

Program Title: "Exploring New Values for Society"

Program Objectives

The main topic of Research Grant Program 2019, titled “Exploring New Values for Society”, supports ambitious projects that adopt a panoramic view of the world and look generations into the future in order to seek new values for society by fundamentally exploring novel philosophies and arts to address difficult issues to be faced by future society; issues that are on a global scale; issues that transcend generations; and nascent problems that will only fully manifest themselves in the future.

Comments by Selection Committee Chair

The chairperson of the selection committee provides comments on the content submitted in the previous year's application and on projects that received funding. Please take a moment to read these comments as they may be helpful for this year's application. For information on submissions made before this period, please refer to the annual reports.

List of Grant Projects

Grant Number Project Title Project Representative Organization/Position Grant Amount(yen)
D19-R-0007 International Cooperative Research for the Establishment of the Sustainable Urban Developmental Model: To Manage both Competitiveness and Residents' Quality of Life in Japanese Cities Tomoko Kubo Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba/Assistant Professor 6,600,000
D19-R-0008 Toward Heterogeneous Solidarity with Minorities: Re-evaluating the Dalit Liberation Movement in Contemporary India and Digitally Archiving Surai Sasai’s Collection Tatsushi Nemoto University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences/Assistant Professor 3,500,000
D19-R-0042 Energy Survival of the Marginalised: Case Study of Electric Charging Station for Urban Informal Sector in Jakarta and Bogor Dinita Setyawati Graduate School of Global Environmental Study, Kyoto University/Graduate student (PhD) 1,200,000
D19-R-0049 The Database Construction of ”Narratives” by Family with Medically Dependent Children: As a Social Resource to Nurture Communal Connection and Support
SHOBI university/Associate professor 5,200,000
D19-R-0050 Implementation Strategy for a Bountiful Sea from Clean Seawater: Management of the Environment and Natural Resources in the Seto Inland Sea
Hitomi Yamaguchi
Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University/Associate Professor 5,500,000
D19-R-0087 Rethinking Biodiversity Conservation from Local Stakeholder' Perspective: Case Studies of Relational Values in Japan and US Hiroe Ishihara Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo/Assistant Professor 6,200,000
D19-R-0102 The Extinction of Experience: Understanding its Nationwide Nature, Extent and Implications Masashi Soga Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo 5,800,000
D19-R-0109 Practical Study on Learning Support for Delinquent Young Generation: Paradigm Shift on Theory of "Desistance" Koshi TAKAHASHI Nagoya City University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences/Lecturer 5,000,000
D19-R-0111 Climate Crisis and Grassroots Infrastructure: Experiments in Economic and Technological Localization and Pursuit of Autonomy Atsuro Morita Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University/Professor 6,400,000
D19-R-0126 Fusion of Local Traditional Wisdom with Science in the Development of Countermeasures against Mosquito-borne Infectious Diseases: Grandma's Wisdom Enhances Resilience in the Event of a Disaster Ryuichi Suwa Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus/associate professor 5,600,000
D19-R-0145 Interdisciplinary Study of Special Needs Schools Open to Local Communities: For the Initiative of Laboratory School Utilizing Local Learning and Cultural Resources MIYAMOTO Satoshi Department of Education, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University/Assistant professor 6,000,000
D19-R-0153 A Study of Knowledge Brokering in Child Welfare Area: Modeling Workings and Piloting Implementation Naoyuki IEKO Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting/Chief Analyst 3,000,000

Grant Fremework

Call for Proposals July 16 to September 13, 2019 (until 3:00 p.m. Japan Standard Time)
Total Amount of Grants 60 million yen
Grant Amount per Project Up to 8 million yen(Up to 1.5 million yen/project for project teams of two persons or less)
Length of Grant Two years, beginning April 1, 2020
Requirements In principle, project teams of three persons or more are eligible for the grant. (Proposals by teams of two persons or less shall be accepted in cases where it is difficult to organize a team of three persons due to reasons such as the novelty of the social issues targeted by the project.)
Project representatives must be 45 years old or under on the day of the beginning of the grant.
All nationalities may apply, but project representative must have a residence(contact address) in Japan.
No restrictions are placed on proposals with regard to the areas of research or the methods employed; nor is there any limitation with regard to the nationality of the project representative or participants, or their affiliation(or lack thereof) with a university, research institute, NPO/NGO, or other organization.
Grant Selection Formal decisions on the awarding of grants will be made at the Toyota Foundation Board of Directors meetings scheduled to be held in February 2020, based on the deliberations of a selection committee composed of outside experts.

Proposal Guidelines and Project Proposal Form Samples

Please review the "Grant Overview," "Post-Selection Committee Chairman Evaluation," "List of Grant Recipients," "Reference Materials," etc. mentioned above. Once you have done so, please download the application guidelines, sample proposal, etc., and apply via the application entry.
The application closed on September 13, 2019. Thank you for your interest.

Format Item Remarks
PDF Proposal Guidelines 2019このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます  
PDF Project Proposal Form 2019 (sample)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます *The blank Word version is only available after registering applicant information.

Application Form
Application Entry <The application period has ended>

Recommended Documents

Special Article

Special Article "Selection Committee Members Talk with Grantee"PDFファイル(701KB)

Project Reports 2019

Click here to download PDF file.
Click here to download PDF file.

A collection of abstracts of reports from projects successfully completed 2019 has been published.

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