Grant Projects: Activities
The Film Beyond the Passage of Birds receives an award from Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs (Research Grant Program)
update:September 26, 2014
The film Beyond the Passage of Birds (directed by IMAI Tomoki) was produced by the project “"Boundary Area" between Bird and Human: On what we live and where we inhabit” (D11-R-0241).
The aim of the project is to explore how we can come in accordance with nature.
It is structured by a strong awareness that the “boundary” between the two has become obscure in our daily life.
Through careful fieldwork and interviews the project has produced a 93 minutes film. It paints a picture of how those engaged in bird hunting and various occupations involving birds accessed to nature and created images of “boundaries” between themselves and nature. The completed film gives important indications towards harmonious coexistence for people, animals, and nature to sustain local communities and society.
The film will be released in theaters from the end of October. It will be shown first in Theatre Image Forum (Shibuya, Tokyo), then in Nagoya Cinematheque (Nagoya city) and other theaters. For the latest information, please visit the following web sites.
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Facebook page: 記録映画『鳥の道を超えて』