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Grant Projects: Products

"Katalog Naskah Dayah Tanoh Abee Aceh Besar" Came out.

update:January 11, 2012


This book came out as a result of the project titled “Inventorying Manuscripts Preserved in The Tanoh Abee Islamic School”, supported by the Foundation’s 2006 Research Program:Special Subjects "Preservation, Compilation, and Annotation of Ancient Documents:Between Chinese and Indian Civilization”.

The aim of this project is to conduct in cooperation with Indonesian specialists philological and bibliographical research on the manuscripts preserved in the pesantren (Islamic school) at Tanoh Abee in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia, and to compile a definitive catalogue of the manuscripts.

For the summary of the Foundation-funded project, please search by “D06-Q-030” in our “Search Projects” page.

Title Katalog Naskan Dayah Tanoh Abee Aceh Besar
ISBN 979-3731-99-0
Editor Oman Fathurahman, Toru Aoyama
Pulished by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies(TUFS)
Komunitas Bambu
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