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HOME  >  Archives  >  International Grant Program  >  International Grant Program 2018  >  From the Foundation  >  Tentative report of the dialogue session held in Sendai is available

From the Foundation

Tentative report of the dialogue session held in Sendai is available

update:April 23, 2018

The International Grant Program carried out a series of dialogue sessionsこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます inviting some past and present grantees.

The tentative report of the dialogue in Sendai is now available. 
Please access the report from hereこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます.

The reports provide you some specific ideas about the aim and the targets of the International Grant Program, not only give you some insights from the real experience of the past and current projects. We would be glad if the potential grantees go through these reports before they submit their proposals. 

※The uploaded reports are tentative. They will be further edited and consolidated into a booklet.

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