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HOME  >  Archives  >  International Grant Program  >  International Grant Program 2018  >  Grant Projects: Products  >  ”The Future of Small-Scale Farmers Created through the Exchange Learning” has been published

Grant Projects: Products

”The Future of Small-Scale Farmers Created through the Exchange Learning” has been published

  • International ctg02 ctg06

    Grant Projects: Products

update:April 4, 2018

The book, The Future of Small-Scale Farmers Created through the Exchange Learning: Toward the Diversification of Agriculture in the Cash Crop Cultivating Area of Southeast Asia, is the product repoting the project's activities.
In this project, young farmers of the three different countries learned from each other through visiting each farm beyond the borders of the nations. You can see the process of this mutual learning through reading the published book of the report and the movie. 

The book of the report is available hereこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます.
To see the movie, please access the URL below.

For more information about the project, please click hereこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます.

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