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Beyond “Tolerance”: Living Together with Migrants – A Multimedia Documentary came out

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    Grant Projects: Products

update:December 2, 2016

A multimedia documentary came out as a result of the project titled the same by the Toyota Foundation’s 2015 International Grant Program, represented by Ms. Reiko Harima from Mekong Migration Network.
Through the works of photojournalist John Hulme and through interviews with immigrants and returnees, the documentary gives a clear exposition of the matters of migration in the Mekong region.

The documentary has Khmer, Burmese, Thai, Japanese and English versions.

Khmer: http://www.mekongmigration.org/?p=5190
Burmese: http://www.mekongmigration.org/?p=5227
Thai: http://www.mekongmigration.org/?p=5266
Japanese: http://www.mekongmigration.org/?p=5247
English: http://www.mekongmigration.org/?p=5120

In addition, an Advocacy Paper, titled: "Permanently Temporary: Examining the Impact of Social Exclusion on Mekong Migrants" is also published.
The Paper seeks to respond to the questions caused by the social exclusion on migrants in each country, and also aims to contribute a set of policy recommendations directed at each government that may lead to greater social inclusion for migrants and their families.
The advocacy paper is available in English, Burmese and Khmer.

For the summary of the Foundation-funded project, please search by "D15-N-0069" in our "Search Project" page.

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